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Friday, April 18, 2014

I have been starting to work on my art again. I was painting with my artist friends a while back. I am hoping we start up again. I am looking at starting up a project with a rodeo theme... 

My Book That I am Working On...

 I am also going to start some more on a book I am writing. I figure I will try to do some each week so I can get some done... Maybe I will post some excerpts on here for people to enjoy! I will post some new pictures soon!

 The book is based in the 1970's and has a dark side to it. About a young man in his late teens to early twenties growing up in the 1970's... He has a deeply disturbing experience that changes his life forever and it changes those around him... It is full of colorful characters. This is for anyone who has every wondered what if? And if that what if would it change how you see things?  How your life is lived? What your future will be? This is his story...  It starts on a dark night driving down a long and curvy desert road... And yes, there are some colorful metaphors...and language. But you have to remember...this is a 17 year old and it is the 70's. Even today you should hear the language of a 17 year old let alone middle school kids...

I call it, for now anyway...

Wrong Turn...

In the meantime...

Here is a link to a friend of mine who is a professional indexer: So if you are needing indexing work on your new book, she is the one to ask!

Joyce Vermillion

Vermillion Indexing Professionals

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