Well after a two year absence I am back. And yes I am still working on my book. I now have my own laptop so I can work more efficiently on it so I will be able to contribute to it more. I have the work copyrighted so it is for my use only. But you are welcome to enjoy what I have posted and let me know what you think? I am on to chapter 8 now. 7 is finished and 8 is humming along... I feel it will probably be around 12-15 chapers by the time I am done. It may go longer depending on how the story works out. I have been working on the basement of my home and adding an art studio there so I can also work on my art. So I am going gang busters on it. It is so exciting to have an outlet for an artist person. It is also a great stress reliever for those out there needing some down time from the hectic day to day things in life... So when I get ready to I can post more, but I cannot post the entire book for fear of it getting stolen. If you like it you can join my blog site. As always... Keep creating!