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Saturday, March 1, 2025

New Artwork Finished! I am keeping busy in my studio... I have many more examples of work that I have completed in the last year... The largest is 36x48.

 Today is March 1st 2025 and I am updating my art posts. Here are some new pieces that I recently finished. The lake and mountain one is a an acrylic on a 30x40 canvas. I did this one in a more impressionistic style...  I used brushes and palette knives. The others are also in acrylics.

Here is a small 12x12 acrylic on canvas quick study done in a couple hours using brushes and palette knives.
I also like to play around with abstracts in different styles...  The following one I call:
 "Cotton Candy Forest" It is acrylics on a 24x36 canvas. 

The next one is more a traditional landscape. This is an original done in acrylics on canvas size 24x30 with a depth of 1 1/2 inches. 
Here is another original abstract I did not too long ago. It is acrylics on a 24x24 canvas with a depth of 
1 1/2 inches.  I call it "Anxiety"

Here is one that is in progress... I have not painted horses so it is fun to experiment. It is a 16x20 on canvas in acrylics... I still need to finish the tack on the horse and the details of the feet and the jockey then I will finish the background...  I feel like I have just scratched the surface of what I can do and that is fun and exciting! I plan on doing more horses in a larger scale like 36x48 or 48x60... I feel it has more impact that way...

Here is another fun abstract I did... 24x24 in acrylics on a 1 1/2 inch deep canvas... Done with palette knives and brushes, but primarily palette knives.

I have many other samples I can post at a later date. I really enjoy working in my studio and I also like to do Plein air painting. It is nice to get outdoors in the fresh air!



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